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Team Documentation

a list of all major team documents

Team Contract: 

As a team, we created a team contract outlining our goals for this project. We also added policies and procedures for the expected contribution and work from our members, and consequences for non-performance with regard to those goals and policies. 

click to enlarge

GANTT Chart:

As a team, we created a GANTT Chart, to help us plan out goals and milestones over the course of our project work. 

click to enlarge

Introduction Draft:

We drafted an introduction for the final project report, including research about the customer done by our team, and the main customer requirements and product specifications. We included our problem statement, and have outlined the scope of the project. 

click to enlarge

Team Reflection #1:

As a team, we wrote a two page essay reflecting on our customer and their community need, and aligning those with our project goals, and product specifications. We also reflected on our community partner and their interaction with their community, and the effect our product would have on the community. 

click to enlarge

Status Update Presentation:

On May 14th we delivered a 15 minute oral presentation to the rest of the class and our community partner. We included details about the overall project health, milestones we'd completed, and any challenges we were facing. We also had a list of specifications needed to be completed for the final product. 

click to view powerpoint slides

Team Reflection #2:

As a team, we wrote a two page essay reflecting on the role of public organizations, both governmental and non-governmental, on our project. We discuss policy regulations our product would have to abide by, and current professional societies that would help regulate those. 

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Final Presentation Slides:

As a team, we worked on the final presentation slides. We included information about the community partner, user requirements, current solutions and alternative solutions, project speed bumps,  and further steps. 

click to view powerpoint slides

Final Report:

As a team, we created a comprehensive report of the tasks required to implement the ExtraEats app, including the background, motivation, research about existing apps fighting the problem of food waste, user requirements and specifications, civic engagement design decisions, project constraints, final product specifics, and implementation and testing.

click to view pdf

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